News: Editors & Blog: Lessons Learned

This update is in two parts! First you’ll find an update on development and some info on our swanky editor!
Below that, we’ve both written a couple, blog-like paragraphs about what we’ve learned. Let us know if that’s something you’d like to see more!

Dev Updates

Our baby is growing up so fast and is already off to the editors! 

There’s only so far passion can take you [according to the naysayers, anyway] so we made sure to budget for a professional editor. Bryce, of An Aye for Games Podcast, has worked as a developer and editor with several industry giants to produce genuinely top-quality material! They’ll be bringing some professionalism and delivering feedback that only experience can give you. It turns out high-level grammar is HARD, dude.

Whilst they’re busy chiseling away at our works, why not check out their podcast? Each week they have a different industry insider guest star to impart all sorts of learned lessons and insider knowledge about tabletop design at large.
We’ve learnt a lot ourselves and thoroughly recommend it!
Find their twitter & links to their podcast: here

Whilst Bryce is working their magic we’re already sprinting headlong into the design and layout stages. Getting the document all laid out means putting words into the positions that they’ll eventually be printed in, which is exciting enough, but will also show us all the spaces that will allow art!
We’re very, very excited to be moving into a development stage that we’ll be able to show you more of. Until now there’s not been much more to show off than a collaborative google docs  page!

Until that time though, we want to give you huge thanks for the patience and understanding. This is our first product and has been full of learning curves for us, luckily they were somewhat anticipated so we’re on schedule at the moment! Whilst we’ve been slaving away, a whole bunch of folks have been reaching out with encouragement and questions, seeing the excitement there has been really heartwarming. 

Dev Mini-Blog


I’ve really enjoyed finishing the draft that we sent off to Bryce, but I will admit that I’ve had to learn a few more tricks to fix writer’s block these last few weeks. Writing a few thousand words on 17 different curse topics around my full time day job and trying to have a life has been a lot honestly. Early on I found it a bit of a struggle to keep everything balanced but I think I’ve got more of a handle on that now after making sure to set aside time for strange unknown tasks like “relaxing” and “rest”.

With that in mind I’m looking forward to the next steps and drafting my section of the art while we work through the editing process. It’s shaping up to be something really awesome and hopefully we’ll have some more substantial previews to show you very soon.


The writing process has been a learning experience for us, it turns out that just getting words onto a page is pretty difficult [almost like its an entire profession or something? ]. Corey definitely took the brunt of the writing work there whilst I was fighting with website design, definitely some lessons in there about workflow and managing that between the two of us but ay, it’s our first project and we’re on schedule so I’ll chalk that up as a win for now!

Learned lessons aside, I’m already dead proud of what’s down on the page, the editing pass should really solidify it into something top class. These next stages are going to be really fun too, can’t wait to get onto the art stages and really have something pretty to show you all!

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